

  • Strapping Machines

    The strapping machines from M.A.I. are easy to use, reliable and help you save time.

  • Envelope Sealing Systems

    The fully automatic envelope-sealing systems from MAI provide speedy mail despatch due to their amazing sealing speed

  • Compteuse d'enveloppes
  • Stamping Machines

    Les horodateurs M.A.I. sont polyvalents et permettent tous types de marquages.

  • Adressing Machines

    The MAI address printer family allows you to customize and print color and / or black and white color and / or barcode addresses and barcodes at dramatic speed.

  • Feeders

    The feeders MAI have been designed to handle the most difficult documents to feed and count accurately.

  • Inserting Systems

    Les mise sous plis M.A.I. décuplent l’efficacité de votre service, elles assemblent, plient, insèrent et collent automatiquement tout le courrier.

  • Letter Openers

    With the MAI letter opener, your mail will be well processed and the documents received perfectly preserved.

  • Folders

    M.A.I professional office folders are ideal for folding your current documents (mailings, invoices, letters ...).

  • Signature Machines

    Signature machines of MAI sign or write for you and like you on all types of documents with your own pen.

  • Printing System

    M.A.I marking systems are innovative and powerful printing systems.

  • Embossers

    Les machines de timbrage à sec électrique M.A.I. se déclenchent par micro contact.